Take part by making an offering
You can take part by contributing any amount for rescuing the animals that would be killed. There is no minimum amount. What is important is your intention to extend the lives of rescued animals and to bring benefits and well-being to all beings.
Follow the steps below, it's very simple.
Follow the step by step:
Make your offering
Make the deposit via bank transfer, PIX or Pay Pal.
The bank transfer details are included on the form (link above)
Rename the bank receipt
For easier identification, please rename the receipt as your email address.
Ex.: if your email is xpto@gmail.com, then rename the file to xpto.jpg
Fill out
the form
Access the form above, include your info and attach the bank receipt.
If you have questions, send an email to salvamentodevidas@gmail.com
Become a volunteer
The practice of saving lives, essentially, is done by volunteers who receive the offerings, buy and transport the animals, in addition to conducting the practice itself.
As the interest in participating has increased a lot, today we also have people who help us in receiving the offerings, in communication, and in the financial organization.
At the moment, anyone who can support us so that we can live stream the practice will be very welcome.
If you are interested, send an email to: salvamentodevidas@gmail.com